Hello to all my friends out there. There has been a lot of things going on in the Games Workshop 40K universe with new armies, codex updates, warlord titans. Now as things go into the realm of fantasy, Age of Sigmar, I am hoping to do a little catch up on some of my projects. Those who have been reading know that there are two armies I put the most effort into. The Eldar and Dark Angels. They both have gotten revision in the past few months. These have put my mind into the "how do I do this?" mode. First came the killer clowns from "inner spaces/ web ways." That one was easy for me. I need to get one squad, since I already own two, some jetbikes, some weavers and a solitaire. Ok! Time to paint. Off I went painting clowns, picked up a void weaver and some jet bikes.
PAUSE FOR DRAMATIC EFFECT .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ( Actually my lap top decided to leave this mortal plane of existence. ) ......................................... ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Then the Craft world book dropped. (Side note here: only mentioning items that directly affect my progress.) And the long awaited new Eldar jet bikes dropped, including the farseer on bike. For me, it was like the heavens opened up and flooded me with light from above. I had to have them. Push Harlquins aside. I need to work on Eldar. I have two of the core portions for the war host that just need finishing. So, I went to painting guardians and weapon platforms and artillery weapons. All the while waiting for all the bikes I wanted from GW to be in stock at the same time. Well, time passed and progress went on.
Then the Space Marine codex dropped and before it even hit the shelves the rumors of the Unforgiven were stirring among the internets. Again, I was elated by the possibilities of what will I need to field the detachment for the Dark Angels. Lucky for me, I was already on my way to finishing my battle company. I only need two squads to complete it. A squad of Devastators painted and a ten man assault squad, which I needed the models for. I mean who ran non Blood Angels assault troop? Again lucky for my collection, but not for my bank account, Game Workshop was nice enough to fill that need for me with a new kit.
Now, for the first time in I can't remember how many years, I am wondering how I will need to to adapt my Orcs and Goblins into the new Age of Sigmar. You got to admit when they are throwing free rules and even talk of a army mustering app. I, like many people I have talked to, feel this version is going to be easily approachable.