Hello internet! Things have finally quieted down in my house. Mostly due to the fact that my family is all on the recovery from Pappa Nurgle's visit. I just got a good chance to check out the harlequin hype. I gotta say from everything I'm reading... I am really excited. They are one of those elusive units to me. I just missed the as a stand alone army when I started playing 40k. I was even going to buy the clown faced jetbikes when I realized there wasn't any rules to support them. I remember thinking then that I would just pick some up when they brought out the rules. Little did I know that it would be many, many years later. So at this time, my paint table is a buzz with all kinds of Eldar minis. I'm still making progress on my wraith knight. I know, I know! "Just finish it. You have been working on it forever..... !" is what some one out there is saying. But I am really just enjoying making that model just what I want. I am also working on my old Harlequin squad. I painted the troupe master in the style of the Joker and the normal squad members are all Harley Quinn style. Just a fun project. Then I also have some Striking Scorpion and Swooping Hawks here staring at me. Both should be relatively easy paints for me.
So. All that being said, I had an interesting night last weekend. I put my hand into painting something other than Games Workshop for one evening. I got to show my brother a little washing and dry brushing techniques. He paints custom Skylanders and Disney Infinity game pieces and wanted to up his game a little bit. In the process, I got to paint my own Skylanders piece.
What a lot of fun I had! The miniatures really have character and there is more detail on it then is originally painted. I understand why he got involved with this. You can find his Facebook group at
Remixed Skylanders customs. So, your lesson for the day is to try something new. You never know where inspiration will come from. Thanks for reading.